Handy Links:
Lake Volunteer Program: https://eec.ky.gov/Environmental-Protection/Water/Outreach/Pages/VLMP.aspx
Currys Fork Watershed: https://www.oldhamcountyky.gov/currys-fork-watershed-0
Friends of Currys Fork Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/friendsofcurrysfork
Currys Fork Watershed Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/CurrysForkWatershed/
Crystal Lake is a section of North Fork Currys Fork and the Club is a steward of the lake and watershed. Crystal Lake has an important role in regulating the water that erodes downstream creek beds, keeping the water quality high, and filtering runoff from about 1,100 acres of upstream watershed.k
Currys Fork Watershed Updates
Last year, the Club became part of the Volunteer Lakes Monitoring Program (VLMP). Blaine Anderson, our CLC rep., is shown here collecting water samples and measuring turbidity. According to its website (linked below), VLMP monitors water quality in part of Kentucky's 92,000 miles of streams and rivers, and roughly 440,000 acres of lakes. The measurements and observations we report helps augment work conducted by the KY Dept. of Water (DOW) and other government agencies. They also provide field verification to improve remote sensing (i.e.: satellite) models employed by DOW to rapidly evaluate large areas of lakes across Kentucky. This year (2022) we're expanding our participation.k
This year, your Club is working closely with the Oldham County Engineering Office’s Currys Fork Watershed Coordinator on their proposal for a nonpoint-source pollution control grant. The proposal addresses the silt infiltration that ravages the lake after large rain events, and tries to get ahead of anticipated erosion from future developments on Zhale Smith Rd. and along the RT71 corridor. It’s a long-term plan with strategic and tactical elements of research, design, demonstration and education; using both natural and engineered approaches. For example, the Club is hosting their pond managment seminars July 9th at the Clubhouse.

The grant proposal competes in a state-wide selection process that gets progressively more detailed after each review phase. This is coordinated by Becca Trueman, the Currys Fork watershed coordinator. On April 11th, we received notice that the grant was approved for the entire $214,000 request. Part of this grant can be used to develop and design silt retention methods we can use above the lake, and throughout the watershed. If you would like to get involved or learn more about watershed programs, click on the watershed links at the bottom of the page. Our approximately 300 homes and 1,000 residents can have a large positive impact on the watershed. You are encouraged to look at their programs and participate in protecting and improving our valuable water resources.