Board approval is required to build within the Crystal Lake Club, Inc.
This web page addresses the most common questions and will be updated as needed.
For financial questions or sale closing questions, contact the Treasurer.
For other questions, contact the Board from the "Contact Us" menu tab. .
Building requests may be brought to a Monthly Club Board of Directors meeting, 7 p.m., first Tuesday night of the month, at the Clubhouse (or as posted on the website). Member comments and building approvals are usually the first agenda items.
If time is of the essence, or there are COVID concerns, an Email with the appropriate information may be sent to the There is no guarantee it will be reviewed before the next scheduled meeting.
If you plan to attend the meeting for a building approval, notifying the Board ahead of time is optional but appreciated.
Provide evidence that your plan meets all the deed restrictions presented in the Deed Restriction document. It does not have to be expensive or fancy. It does have to be complete and accurate. It will be recorded in the Club records. It includes:
- * Two sets of drawings for the building project that document and show you meet the restrictions. Lake and Grounds will sign both copies and return one to you.
- * A plot showing where the house sits on the lot and showing the setback dimensions.
- * Driveway details such as were it is located on the lot, its shape, where it will accesses the road. (Without this in your approved packet, the county will send your building permit request back to the Club for curb access approval).
- * If you are building a fence, provide a lot drawing with dimensions and fence construction information.
- * If you are building or installing a dock, provide a lot drawing with the layout, dimensions, construction information, distance from the shoreline and location of the lakeside lot line.
Additional material may be helpful to make a decision on your proposal:
- * What permits or agreements with authorities do you already have?
- * Have you discussed the project with neighbors who may be affected?
- * When it is scheduled to be started/completed?
Before building, read and understand the Deed Restrictions posted under the "Documents & Business" menu tab.
Also, read the Bylaws, at the same menu tab, to make sure you understand other important aspects of the Club's operations, obligations and restrictions.
Be aware that the Crystal Lake Club, Inc. is a 503c7 incorporated club, not an HOA.
These documents supersede any information on this website, or from any other source.
Common Issues
Before you request the Board's permission to build, considering the following will make the approval processes faster and prevent disappointments:
- * Check with the Health department to make sure you are not violating setbacks or septic "repair field" restrictions.
- * Check with County Engineering to make sure you do not violate the easement or right of way restrictions.
- * Make sure you understand the setback and building requirements from the County. The Club only specifies restrictions unique to us, which may be more restrictive that other regulations. You also have to follow all the other County (City for some lots), Commonwealth and Federal rules.
- * You may not build (or live in) a second living dwelling within a Club lot (or combined group of lots). This includes garages and barn lofts.
- * Be aware that GPS applications often send suppliers to the wrong side of Route 71. Be clear with your orders.
- * Remember that the lot owner/ Club Member is responsible for the build and their builders/contractors.
- * This includes but is not limited to repairing damage to the roads caused by construction or construction vehicles, communicating with neighbors who may be affected, and making sure semi-trucks are not allowed inside the Club (unless the driver is sure the narrow roads and sharp turns can be navigated without leaving the roadway or damaging property).
Welcome to the Club